Best Value Case Study for Cold Storage Facility in Miami, Florida

Authors: Dhaval Gajjar, (M.S.), Dean Kashiwagi, (Ph. D.), Jacob Kashiwagi, (Ph. D.), Kenneth Sullivan, (Ph.D.)


A cold storage facility had been reroofed in 2003 (investment of $600,000) that required the removal of existing insulated roof and replaced with a 20 year modified bitumen roof. After six years, the facility posed a safety hazard due to the ice formations inside the cold storage facility. The source of the problem was not known. The traditional process of using a professional designer, a certified contractor, receiving a manufacturer’s warranty, and having the roof inspected by the local government inspector could not assist the owner and the FM resolve the complex problem. The facility manager (FM) decided to utilize a non-traditional Best Value (BV) Performance Information Procurement System (PIPS) to identify and resolve the problem. The main difference of the system is that the best value vendor and not the owner determines the final scope. This paper documents the BV PIPS approach and the resulting performance. An inspection five years later verified the performance of the Best Value approach and showed the value of the installed sprayed polyurethane (SPF) roofing system.

Keywords: best value, roofing, energy savings, performance