More than 15 years ago Dean Kashiwagi created a process called BVP/PIPS (Best Value Procurement/Performance Information Procurement System) at Arizona State University. PIPS is a procurement method that aims to select the most suitable vendor for the job, to spur this vendor on to highest performance, and to reduce the client’s management and control tasks (Kashiwagi, 2009b). Kashiwagi developed the method for several years with the objective of improving the procurement and management of construction projects by reducing risk in selecting the top performer. The method (herein BV approach) has a number of steps, each built around a specific “filter”, which focuses on a different element to separate high and low performers. The early phase of the adoption of the process in the Netherlands has been described by Van de Rijt and Witteveen (2011) in the special issue of the Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information and Value. In this paper an update is given and future developments are described. The paper covers the BV approach, a brief history of PIPS in the Netherlands, technology adoption theory, adoption and adaptation of the technology and future developments.
Keywords: Best Value, BVP/PIPS, Netherlands, technology adoption
The Best Value Approach in the Netherlands: A Reflection on Past, Present and Future
Authors: Jeroen van de Rijt (MSc), Sicco C. Santema (Delft University of Technology), (PhD)