The choice of a suitable delivery method plays a considerable role in the performance of a
construction project. Previous research has attempted the development of a systematic approach to
project delivery method selection focusing on performance information. However, such attempts
did not properly address public agencies and legislative impediments are almost entirely neglected
as suggested variables in such models. This paper addresses these limitations by presenting a
quantitative analysis to test whether federal and state legal limitations do influence project
performance. Project characteristics from the U.S. General Services Administration Capital
Construction Project database are presented. The database is analyzed using cross-tabulation to
determine potential correlations among the variables, and specifically their relation to project
delivery method choice and performance information. Contributions from this research are
reflected in presenting a methodology for choosing alternative delivery methods while considering
project characteristics and specifically the legislative impediments associated with a construction
project and their influence on project performance.
Keywords: Delivery Method, Legislative Impediments, Performance Information.